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"Əli və Nino" nəşriyyatı

“Ali and Nino” is an independent Azerbaijani publishing house, founded in 2005. Our goal is for our readers to love Azerbaijani classics, the world’s children’s classics, and the books of the most advanced authors of modern times.

In 2013 for the first time in Azerbaijan, we established the National Book Award (NBA) in support of local and young writers and published the books of the winners for free.




What books do we have?

“Ali and Nino” publishes some of the most valuable examples of world classics in Azerbaijani language. Here are some of our most famous book series.

The “Red Classic” series features almost all the favorite novels of world classical literature. In this series, you can find works of famous authors such as Theodore Dreiser, Lack London, Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Bronte sisters, and Jane Austin.

The “Floral Classic” is a series of romantic novels based on emotions. One of the world’s most famous classical novels, such as ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Emma’, ‘Wuthering Heights’, ‘Railway Children’, and ‘Little Women’, can be found in this series.

The “World Literature Classic” is a series of masterpieces of world classics. ‘Crime and Punishment’ may be an example.

The “Azerbaijan Classic” is a series of masterpieces of Azerbaijan classic literature, such as ‘Sword and Pen’ by Nizami Ganjavi.

The “Blue Classic” is a series of books written by Azerbaijani classic authors and Soviet-era literature. In this series can be found such authors, as Mikayi Mushviq, Jafar Jabbarly, Ilyas Efendiyev, Mahammad Said Ordubadi, Isamyil Shixli.

The “Exclusive Classic for young people”- the series contains classical novels that readers of early youth can read. For example, ‘The Gadfly’, ‘No change on the western front’, ‘Theatre’ and so on.

In The “World’s Children’s Classic” we publish the world’s most valuable children’s classic examples. It includes ‘Pollyanna’, ‘Prince and Beggar’, ‘The adventures of Tom Sawyer’, ‘Pinocchio’ and etc.

“Ali and Nino” besides children’s classic, also publisher different themed encyclopedias, local and foreign fairytales collections, and also teaching aids for the little ones.

Also, among the children’s book authors works that we publish – the most read and beloved ones are Astrid Lindgren and Ronald Dahl. For many years now Azerbaijani readers and their parents dive into adventures with Lindgren’s and Dahl’s books.

In addition we also translate and publish the books of modern authors who take special place in the world and Azerbaijani literature.  You can find the books of Khaled Hosseini, Luisa Hey, Chingiz Abdullayev, Anar and a lot more among them.