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Fotoaparat \ Фотоаппарат INSTAX PAL WHITE

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Brend: Fujifilm


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Fotoaparat \ Фотоаппарат INSTAX PAL WHITE . Compact so you can take it with you everywhere! Easy to carry with you so you can take photos wherever you go! Transfer your INSTAX digital photos from the INSTAX Pal™ camera (holds up to 50 images) to your INSTAX Pal™ smartphone app via Bluetooth. Standard shot Compact so you can take it with you everywhere! Easy to carry with you so you can take photos wherever you go! Transfer your INSTAX digital photos from the INSTAX Pal™ camera (holds up to 50 images) to your INSTAX Pal™ smartphone app via Bluetooth. Remote Shooting Simply place your camera wherever you want and use the app's Remote Shooting feature to take the perfect selfie or group photo! Activate the shutter from your smartphone! The wide-angle lens makes it easy to get the perfect photo, whether the INSTAX Pal™ camera is close to you or you're photographing a large group – even the background will fit in the frame! Have fun using the time-lapse shooting and features of the INSTAX Animation app! Save images as a complete INSTAX Animation with 18 photo-tastic filters to choose from and share them on social media! App An exclusive application for the INSTAX Pal™ digital camera . Connect to your smartphone with the app and start shooting! Give your INSTAX Pal™ camera a name, upload a bunch of your INSTAX digital photos, and your INSTAX Pal™ will thank you!
Article: 4547410520156
Метка: Ekspress
Brend: Fujifilm
Növ: Ani kamera
Model: İnstax Pal


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